Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 103: The Sentinels

Photo of the Day: Toy Soldiers

This blog does not exist. That is what Blogspot told me when I logged in this evening, causing more than a little panic. After pouring hours into this record of my time in New York City, it would be a personal tragedy to lose it. After researching the issue and finding that others had a similar problem due to a bug in the system, I posted my plea for help on an online forum and hoped for the best. (Perhaps you have deduced that the technical problem has since been resolved, much to my relief.) Fortunately, the timing wasn't so bad since my personal laptop also decided to stop working for me this evening, and I will be in Philadelphia this weekend and won't be able to post anyway.

Aside from a rather lively Friday night fellowship (the topic, taken 1 Corinthians 7, was about marriage), today was largely uneventful. I realized my blog does not to justice to the amazing decorations around the city, so I've decided to use this opportunity to feature a few more nearby festive locales near my office, including these massive toy soldiers standing guard in front of the skyscraper next door and the toy train in front of my office.

All aboard at the Rockefeller Center Station!
Choo choo!
High security at the Hilton. Is Santa a VIP guest, perhaps?
A winter-themed art installation at the UBS Building.
A front view of the snowflake.
For dinner, I stopped by Bryant Park Holiday Market for some warm chorizo grits with pecorino cheese and artisan salt and pepper. Delicious and healthy cold weather food!


  1. I never knew that those toy soldiers are that big.

  2. Haha, yup! People are always taking pics with them.
